Our investment philosophy is based on some very simple principles:
The figure below shows how crowd psychology dictates our investment strategy. You will no doubt understand how this can boost your returns.
If we only try to make money on markets going up then we are missing half of the opportunities available to us. Our aim is to gain profit for you from rising and falling markets.
Big money is made from big trends. We ride trends for the long term. Sometimes this affects our short term performance.
We reduce your overall investment risk if we spread our investment across assets that make money for you when they go down as well as when they go up.
Our investment process is based on the premise that all returns must be considered relative to the risk taken to achieve them. Some high returning opportunities are just too risky for us to take.
All markets go up and down over time. Markets usually go down much faster than they go up.
The reason they are going down is usually not apparent until after most of the move is done. In fact most people in the market have no idea why that market is moving at the time. When analysis is done after the fact it appears obvious why the market moved. (For example when crude oil was falling in the late 2014, no one had any sensible explanation. Now it is obvious that the global market was suffering from a glut of oil)
Economic fundamentals ultimately rule the performance of markets, but markets are not rational and can remain out of balance (for example as a result of money printing) for far longer than rational humans would believe.
The longer and further out of balance a market become the more sudden and savage is the reaction to the imbalance. (for example the Global Financial Crisis was a powerful reaction to the many years of imbalances growing debt levels and falsely inflated asset prices)
The biggest money is made by the patient fund manager who stalks imbalanced markets like a hunter and is ready to profit from the big moves when they inevitably come.