Our Investments:
Our investments are macro driven which means we follow major world trends to develop themes around our positioning on Global Markets. We invest in a variety of long and short positions in markets where we limit exposure to correlation trades. For example we have a small short position in Australia’s banking sector and we will look to add to this position as conditions dictate. We are also looking carefully at the crude oil market which is currently experiencing some extreme imbalances in the positioning of some of the underlying market participants.
Murray Cod Australia Ltd (ASX code MCA)
In addition we take active positions in companies where we can use our expertise to generate a positive outcome for our investors. Recently we invested in Timpetra Resources Ltd, an ASX listed gold explorer. We became actively involved in the management of the company with the result that Timpetra has signed a deal to acquire a fully integrated Murray Cod business. Here are the details of the deal . The company has now changed its name to Murray Cod Australia Ltd and has relisted on the ASX under the code MCA. We maintain an active interest in our shareholding in this company.
This exciting development is an example of our active style and highlights the use of our skill set to secure outcomes for our unit holders. We intend to actively pursue deals where our skill set can add value for unit holders.